What is Your Corporation IQ (video double feature)
1,074 Job Openings From Good Samaritan Networking Group
Goal #1: secure a job

Safe Landing Zone: Yolanda Torres

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Danielle Bullen
Featuring ETP
Members Who
Have Landed a Job
Yolanda Torres

As members of the Empowering Today‘s Professionals network, we are all familiar with the 7 Step Job Search for those in career transition. I am stating them below to serve as point of reference for the following success story.

ABCS of the Job Search or the 7-Step methodology – This was developed by Rod Colon for those in career transition.

  1. Identify your core skills. 
  2. Determine the market demand for your core skills.
  3. Use online and networking resources to review job descriptions with emphasis on core requirements.
  4. Find and call advocates to clarify the position and sell if appropriate.
  5. Submit value proposition (cover letter, resume, and job description) to advocates.
  6. Follow up with advocate. 
  7. 7. Repeat.

The Safe Landing Zone follows experiences of ETP members who put these steps into action and landed new jobs. Their stories will inspire the rest of us to continue along the ETP path to a successful job search.

Yolanda Torres of Philadelphia worked as a Senior Accountant/Financial Analyst at Travelers of New Jersey. The company closed the office where she worked, putting her in transition.

Steps 1 and 2 were especially helpful in Yolanda‘s search. She says, ― “I wasn’t using the proper buzz words.‖ She also states quantifying the achievements on her resume. Measurable results are a great way to show hiring managers precisely what you have accomplished in your past positions.”

In her job as ―CEO of Me, Inc., Yolanda says the most important decision she has made is not to give up on herself. ―When you are trying to sell yourself, you have to stay positive and confident because if you don’t stay positive at an interview, it would show.

Yolanda‘s perseverance and positive attitude paid off! Networking and connecting with potential advocates inside a company–steps 3 and 5–were also crucial to her success. A contact forwarded her resume to human resources at AC Insurance. After a five-month search period, she accepted a job as a Senior Accountant with ACE.

Yolanda encourages job seekers to work the seven steps. Different steps may prove as keys to different people, but you‘ll never know unless you use them all.

About the Author
Danielle Bullen is a writer and marketing professional from the greater Philadelphia area.  Her work has recently appeared in MostlyFiction.com, Padosa.com, Too Shy to Stop, and Phlare.
Email: DanielleBullen[AT]comcast[DOT]net
Portfolio: http://daniellebullenwriting.weebly.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/daniellebullen
Telephone: (610)574-3024

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